Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Name of custom mission |
existing | boolean | Yes | Value should defined as false for creating a custom mission using an advanced orbit. |
orbit_type | string | Yes | Value: advanced |
semimajor_axis | float | Yes | Range: 6778.127 to 7878.137 |
eccentricity | float | Yes | Range: 0 to 1 |
inclination | float | Yes | Range: 0 to 180 |
argument_of_perigee | float | Yes | Range: 0 to 360 |
raan | float | Yes | Range: 0 to 360 |
true_anomaly | float | Yes | Range: 0 to 360 |
"name": "Newton",
"existing": False,
"orbit_type": "advanced",
"semimajor_axis": 6800.0,
"eccentricity": 0,
"inclination": 35,
"argument_of_perigee": 90,
"raan": 130,
"true_anomaly": 250
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Name of custom mission |
existing | boolean | Yes | Value should defined as false for creating a custom mission using a circular orbit. |
orbit_type | string | Yes | Value: circular |
inclination | integer or float | Yes | Range: 0 to 180 |
altitude | integer or float | Yes | Range: 400 to 1500 |
longitude | integer or float | Yes | Range: 0 to 360 |
"name": "Pythagorus",
"existing": False,
"orbit_type": "circular",
"inclination": 0,
"altitude": 600,
"longitude": 180
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
No: Coincident Calculator
Yes: Country Coverage
Coincident Calculator:
Filter optional.
Refer to
Constellations: Retrieve forecasted constellations list
to submit a request for a valid list of constellations for forecasting tasks.
Refer to
Constellations: Retrieve archived constellations list
to submit a request for a valid list of constellations for archive tasks.
Country Coverage:
At least one constellation required.
Refer to
Country Coverage: Retrieve Constellations List
to submit a request for a valid list of constellations.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Name of custom instrument |
existing | boolean | Yes | Value: false |
field_of_view | Integer or float | Yes | Range: 0 to 60 |
pointing_angle | Integer or float | Yes | Range: -60 to 60 |
"name": "beam",
"existing": False,
"field_of_view": 5.0,
"pointing_angle": -5.0
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
mission | string | Yes | Valid existing custom missions (mission and instrument) may be found by submitting a COVE API request for the Custom Missions list. |
instrument | string | Yes |
"mission": "Orbiter 1",
"instrument": "beam"
"mission": "Orbiter 1",
"instrument": "beam"
"mission": "Orbiter 2",
"instrument": "beam"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Refer to Country Coverage: Retrieve countries list to submit a request for a valid list of countries. |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
type | string | No |
Landsat WRS: wrsdata
S2 Tiling Scheme: s2tiling
Coverage Analyzer:
Value: s2tiling or wrsdata.
Revisits Calculator:
Value: s2tiling or wrsdata.
Coincident Calculator:
Invalid parameter.
unit | string | No |
Unit parameter should be an empty string or omitted if type
parameter is specified.
Unit parameter required if size parameter is specified.
Value: deg, km.
size | float | No |
Size parameter should be null or omitted if type parameter is specified.
Size parameter required if unit parameter is specified.
Coverage Analyzer:
Value (deg): between 5.0 to 0.1
Value (km): between 555 to 12
Revisits Calculator:
Value (deg): between 5.0 to 0.1
Value (km): between 555 to 12
Coincident Calculator:
Value (deg): between 1.0 to 0.1
Value (km): between 111 to 12
include_overlap | boolean | No |
Coverage Analyzer:
Value should only be true if type is s2tiling and missions is
Sentinel-2A or Sentinel-2B.
Value: true, false.
Revisits Calculator:
Invalid parameter.
Coincident Calculator:
Invalid parameter.
"type": "s2tiling",
"size": null,
"unit": "",
"include_overlap": true
"type": "",
"size": 5.0,
"unit": "deg"
"size": 0.25,
"unit": "deg"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | Name of custom mission |
existing | Boolean | Yes |
Value: true
Create custom instrument using existing mission/instrument/mode.
mission | MissionsFilter | Yes | Refer to Special Data Types for more information on MissionsFilter |
"name": "beam",
"existing": True,
"mission": {
"mission": "Sentinel-1A",
"instrument": "C-SAR",
"mode": "IWS"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Name of custom mission |
existing | boolean | Yes |
Value should be true.
Create custom mission using existing mission.
mission | string | Yes | Valid mission name may be found by submitting a COVE API request for the missions forecasted list. |
"name": "Euchlid",
"existing": True,
"mission": “ALOS-2”
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
cloud_cover | float | No |
Cloud cover filter only applies to Landsat 5, Landsat 7, Landsat 8,
Sentinel-2A, and Sentinel-2B.
Values: between 0 and 100
day_night | string | No |
Day/Night filter only applies to Landsat 5, Landsat 7, and Landsat 8.
Values: day, night
processing_level | string | No |
Processing level filter only applies to Sentinel-1A, and Sentinel-1B.
Values: GRD, SLC
orbit_direction | string | No |
Orbit direction filter only applies to Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-1B,
Sentinel-2A, and Sentinel-2B.
Ascending: asc
Descending: desc
Values: asc, desc
"cloud_cover": null,
"day_night": "",
"orbit_direction": "ascending",
"processing_level": ""
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
mission | string | Yes |
Acquisition Forecaster:
Valid mission, instrument, and mode may be found by submitting a COVE
API request for the missions forecasted list.
Coverage Analyzer:
Valid mission, instrument, and mode may be found by submitting a COVE
API request for the missions archived list.
Revisits Calculator:
Valid mission, instrument, and mode may be found by submitting a COVE
API request for the missions forecasted list.
Coincident Calculator (Forecasted):
Valid mission, instrument, and mode may be found by submitting a COVE
API request for the missions forecasted list.
Coincident Calculator (Archived):
Valid mission, instrument, and mode may be found by submitting a COVE
API request for the missions archived list.
Data Browser:
Valid mission, instrument, and mode may be found by submitting a COVE
API request for the missions archived list.
instrument | string | Yes | |
mode | string | Yes |
"mission": "Sentinel-2A",
"instrument": "MSI",
"mode": ""
Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
name | string | Yes | Name of custom mission |
existing | boolean | Yes |
Value: false
Create custom mission using a sun synchronous orbit.
orbit_type | string | Yes | Value: sun_synchronous |
revolutions_per_day | integer or float | No |
Range: 12.4 to 15.6
Must be included if altitude is omitted.
altitude | integer or float | No | Range: 400 to 1500
Must be included if revolutions_per_day is omitted.
revolutions_to_repeat | Integer or float | Yes | Range: 1 to 1500 |
local_time | string | Yes | Format: HH:MM |
orbit_direction | string | Yes | Values: ascending or descending |
"name": "Archimedes",
"existing": False,
"orbit_type": "sun_synchronous",
"revolutions_per_day": 14.56,
"revolutions_to_repeat": 233.0,
"local_time": "11:10",
"direction": "ascending"
"name": "Archimedes",
"existing": False,
"orbit_type": "sun_synchronous",
"altitude": 705.0,
"revolutions_to_repeat": 233.0,
"local_time": "11:10",
"direction": "ascending"